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Complicated Life - Sometimes this has worked and sometimes that.

Writer's picture: Sreedhar MandyamSreedhar Mandyam

There have been times in life when being honest paid off and then there have been times when being honest hurt our interest.

There have been times when hard work paid off and there have been times when all hard work went down the drain.

There have been times when speaking the truth brought peace and then there have been times when speaking the truth hurt us.

There have been times when not intervening solved a problem and then there have been times when not intervening messed up the problem.

There have been times when having faith in ourselves led to success and then there have been times when faith was just not enough.

There have been times when taking it easy was the best policy and then there have been times when taking it easy cost us.

There have been times when displaying emotions helped us and then there have been times when displaying emotions left us more vulnerable.

There have been times when saying a YES was the best thing we did in our lives and then there have been times when saying a YES made our lives miserable.

There have been times when being generous felt good and then there have been times when being generous left us feeling like a fool.

There have been times when reaching out to others in distress was appreciated and then there have been times when reaching out to others was considered a violation of their privacy.

There have been times when not giving up and trying repeatedly lead to victory, and then there have been times when repeated trials lead to repeated failures.

There have been times when taking a risk paid off and then there have been times when taking the risk lead to a disaster.

There have been times when saying a NO kept us safe and then there have been times when saying a NO lead to a loss of a great opportunity.

We have done this and we have done that in our lives. At different times we have done the complete opposite things in our lives. The same action benefits at times and the same action have harmed us too. We take action without knowing what the future holds for us. We make decisions with the best intentions but at times we fail too. We realize life is more complicated than we think. So we learn to treat each of the decisions taken with tenderness and love. We did what we could with the information we had, the wisdom we had accumulated, and the resources we possessed.

Sometimes we have been right and sometimes we have been wrong. That is the way life rolls.

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