12 Psychology Lessons from the Gita
“When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow." - Mahatma Gandhi
Course starts 18 Sept 2024
ONLINE Course on Zoom
Once a week classes
Assignment based evaluation
Video recordings
PDF Notes
For individuals, parents, teachers counsellors, mental health professionals
This course is being conducted in collaboration with Shreehi
In spite of all our technological advances and material prosperity, we have no peace of mind and live in fear and anger in the midst of increasing violence. We are caught in the lurid dream that the pursuit of pleasure will lead us to joy, the pursuit of profit will lead us to security, and most of us are driven by the urge to bring about our own sense of security and fulfillment.
As the Buddha declared twenty-five hundred years ago: “One man may conquer in battle a thousand times a thousand men; but if another conquers himself, he is the greatest of conquerors.”
This course is tailor-made to lay out steps for us to conquer ourselves, brace ourselves with psychological tools and help us progress together as a group of Sadhakas
Throughout this course, we will be touching base on different scriptures from different religions and traditions, to recognize the common ground of Bhagavad Gita’s teachings. We will go through different experiential activities and exercises based on various psychological tools.
Over the course of the 12 weeks, we would see that the guidance from the scriptures and the various psychological tools move us towards achieving the state of equanimity and tranquility even when we are in the midst of a chaotic life.
As a group, we will be following the path that Sri Krishna has laid out for us to reach the Inner Divine Life Force in each one of us and allow our Divinity to shine through us.
Course Details
Admission Criteria
The course is open to anyone who wishes to understand the aspects of how the Bhagavad Gita has said the same things that many aspects of Modern Psychology expound. The course can done by any individual who wishes to blend the ideas from the Indian Knowledge System and Modern Psychology to understand self, others, and our relationships to things around us.
Course content
Module 1: Shraddha & Self Awareness
Trust and faith in ourselves is the key to perform any Sadhana to our best extent. There is no greater victory in the life of a human being than victory over the mind. He / She who has controlled the gusts of passion that arise within and the violent actions that proceed therefrom is the real hero.
In this module, we use an important psychology tool to understand our mind and find ways to conquer it.
Module 2: Our ahamkara’s need to control/make the most of time
One of the ways to test our ahamkara is to see how much we are able to free ourselves from the oppressive pressure of time. The constant craze for going faster and faster throws us more and more into the consciousness of time; and curiously enough, when we are oppressed by time, we make many mistakes.
In this module, we explore possible ways to free ourselves from the bondage of time.
Module 3: Our Samskaras & how we are obliged to act
Eating, exercising, and all activities that keep the body healthy for serving others can be considered sacraments.
In this module, we explore how action is better than inaction. We also dive deep into the psychological implications when our body is overfed / overstimulated or under-exercised.
Module 4: Becoming free from dukkha
Pain often accompanies the development of detachment. In every relationship, the cultivation of detachment is painful, because we must go against our self-will, opinions, and pleasures.
In this module, we explore how even in our most intimate personal relationships often there is this taint of trying to bend others to our will, of expecting others to conform to our image of what they should be. We experientially explore ways to go beyond our need to control others.
Module 5: Trishna (thirst for selfish actions) & its effect on our psyche
Driven by the motive for personal profit, our samkaras and vaasanas continually push us to work for money, power, and prestige. Our preoccupation with results makes us tense and deprives us of peace, causing anxiety to take a toll on our nervous system repeatedly.
In this module, we figure out ways to become aware of our samskaras. We have been so conditioned to search for happiness in sense-pleasure that defying these urges appears to be a denial of life itself.
Module 6: Building ekagratha (one-pointed focus) - A tapas
People whose attention wanders easily are subject to one of the greatest sources of suffering – boredom. The capacity to give our undivided attention is one of the essential ingredients of the learning process. Unfortunately, most of us cannot give our attention with complete freedom.
In this module, we figure out the process to build ekagratha. We find experiential ways to discipline the mind.
Module 7: Importance of Equanimity (Samathva) & Tranquility
Dvandva, the ‘pairs of opposites’ – happiness and sorrow, good and bad, pleasure and pain, and all the rest – are the very texture of Maya. Self-will thrives on these dualities, especially likes and dislikes. In the language of the Gita, Samatvam yoga ucyate: “Yoga is evenness of mind.”
In this module, we experientially understand how our mind loves the binary concept of approaching life and we dive deep with the help of psychological tools to go beyond the dualities of mind.
Module 8: Svadharma & its role on mental wellbeing
Svadharma is the action determined by one's nature, spiritual temperament and essential character. It is the natural instinct in all of us that stimulates us to act at a subconscious level, without thinking. When we go against our Svadharma, it plays a role in our mental and emotional wellbeing.
In this module, we explore different paths (across religions) - like the eightfold path, Pondichery Mother’s suggestions, etc that guide us in getting back to our Svadharama. We also notice how our psyche improves when we do this simple sadhana on a consistent basis.
Module 9: Increase your Willpower Quotient
Bhagavad Gita repeatedly emphasizes on two major ingredients to increase our WQ - Willpower Quotient. We are so poorly educated in the art of living that we prefer temporary satisfaction, even though it may lead to permanent loss.
In this module, we would be exploring how to strengthen our Willpower Quotient regularly with a powerful psychological tool. The transformation that we go through as we build our WQ would cause mindblowing shifts in our lives.
Module 10: Becoming our true self - Abhyasa
Whatever we think about most, whatever we labor for most, whatever we desire most, that will be the content of our consciousness at the time of death. When we think about something constantly, it sinks deep into our consciousness, and when the time for death comes we will be able to think of nothing else.
In this module, we explore Dr. Carl Jung’s teachings on deep consciousness and why most people live in constant fear. We explore ways to drop this fear with a powerful tool.
Module 11: Neuroplasticity & Value of Kshama
As the Compassionate Buddha said more than two thousand years ago, “Hatred will never cease by hatred at any time. Hatred ceases only through love. This is an eternal law.”
It is the nonviolent person who cannot be frightened; the violent person can always be threatened with greater violence. Competition has so distorted our vision that we are defensive towards even our dear ones.
In this module, we experientially learn what lasting joy is when we go beyond competition.
Module 12: Dhrasta - Living authentically
Meister Eckhart summarizes the truth of the Atman beautifully when he points out that the seed of God is latent in all of us. Sadly, one of the unfortunate trends of our modern civilization is described by that learned phrase, Cogito ergo sum: “I think, therefore I am.”
In this module, we see how to find lasting fulfilment in all that we do. We also explore a deep technique from psychology to live as the true Self.
Course Duration: 18 Sep 2024 to 27 Nov 2024
Once a week session on Zoom.
Wed from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.*
Course Starts from 18 Sept 2024
Course Faculty

Anuram Suresh
Psychologist, Trainer, Gita Teacher
About the Faculty
Anurama holds a Masters Degree in Psychology and a Bachelor’s degree in
Engineering. She has prior 10 years of working experience in IT - GE, Infosys,
Kyocera WirelessShe loves connecting the world of Psychology to Vedanta and runs her programs
called Manthan (self-transformation with coaching tools through the lens of
Upanishads) & Samarpan (experience oneness with all life - an integration of
psychology with teachings from the Bhagavad Gita). Complete profile
Course evaluation-assignment based
At the end of each session, the student is expected to submit a report about their learning and their view of the session. Submission of this report is regarded as attendance.
They are expected to attend all 12 classes to qualify for the certificate.
There will be few assignments in the course where the participants are expected to talk to someone in their circles and submit a report. They are expected to answer a few case studies.
Expectations from the participants:
We expect 100% attendance from every student. All students of the course are expected to attend ALL the classes in the course and follow the rules of engagement as defined by the faculty.
The students are expected to submit all the assignments in time and be proactive in the classroom activities. They are expected to uphold strict confidentiality on all matters shared by other participants either in the class or in the breakout room activities.
Course Fee
The course fee is Rs 18000/- to be paid on enrollment. Please check the refund policy in the footer. This course is being conducted in collaboration with Shreehi Consulting https://www.shreehi.com/