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Sreedhar Mandyam
Feb 23, 20232 min read
Congratulating people on the getting a divorce that they wanted.
Recently, when I put the phone down after congratulating someone on the other side of the phone, the person who was in my presence asked,...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Jan 31, 20232 min read
Don’t confuse people’s opinions with truth
While the philosophical idea of truth can be debated endlessly without coming to any conclusions, in our real life we need to distinguish...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Dec 27, 20222 min read
Our strengths can also be our weakness
We can look at our strengths as our personality strengths (I am…), our external resources like our relationships, our possessions, our...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Dec 5, 20222 min read
What are your Four-Five stories that keep you awake at night?
Most of us cannot go to sleep because we cannot stop thinking. The body is tired but the brain is active. Being primarily visual...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Nov 2, 20222 min read
A way to avoid forgetting some jobs
Enhancing personal efficiency Two similar incidents happened recently showing me how to avoid forgetting some jobs. On day 1, my nephew...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Oct 14, 20222 min read
Discovering our parents in ourselves when grooming the next generation
Recently, I was telling someone in their twenties how to handle a particular problem in their life and I had a sudden sense of deja vu....
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Sep 21, 20222 min read
Do affirmations work?
Affirmations are thoughts you consciously repeat to your self desiring a specific outcome. These are curious. Do they work? Sometimes...
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Sarita Talwai
Sep 16, 20222 min read
Comparisons Kill
Odious. Parents wield many weapons against their children. Sharp laced comments, insidious barbs, emotional blackmail or the deadly...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Sep 15, 20221 min read
What am I lacking in life?
A Self-awareness Question You have it, but not enough. That is what a lack would mean. You have money, education, security, relationship...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Jul 30, 20222 min read
Learning to stay with an emotion
If you don’t like particular weather (cold, hot, rainy, humid etc.,) you have two choices: move to a place where the weather is different...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Jun 15, 20221 min read
Calming the storm in the head
You want to stop the loop thinking. You want to end the tape that is running in your head. You want to switch off the film running inside...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Jun 13, 20221 min read
Isn’t it a defeatist attitude when people say possessions are not important?
People have to find someone more ambitious than them, more interested in the worldly things than them, more ‘greedy’ than them and...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Jun 6, 20222 min read
Financial freedom is the gateway to many other freedoms.
All Indians are philosophers! It is there in our blood. Any situation, any place, any time, we can easily summon some aspect of...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
Jun 5, 20222 min read
The Mother tongue fluster
This is another idea like your ‘hometown’ that is beginning to get diffused and turning slowly into shapelessness. Many of us struggle to...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
May 30, 20222 min read
Dependent, Independent or Interdependent?
As children, we are dependent on the adults around us for almost everything. Slowly as the child grows up, the sense of wanting to be...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
May 29, 20222 min read
Adopting a compound interest mindset.
As a former banker, I have always been aware of the power of compound interest. As applied to finance, it means that you earn a small sum...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
May 28, 20222 min read
Not complaining about work, but being grateful for it.
We all differ on the amount of money we have, but the one resource all of us have in equal measure is time. Eventually, while money gets...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
May 26, 20222 min read
Hometown-less people
One of the common questions asked when people are meeting for the first time or in a formal interview is, “Which is your hometown?” In a...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
May 24, 20222 min read
Should decisions in the family be democratic or should everyone get their chance?
Eight of the members of my family had gathered together. People across three generations. We needed to decide where to go for dinner and...
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Sreedhar Mandyam
May 21, 20222 min read
The might to remain silent
Recently when one of my friends was being exhorted by his wife about what not to tell some visitors expected home, remarked, “Saraswati...
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