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Certified Life Skills & Emotional Intelligence Coach

Dr. Shashi Mani Mishra

BA( hons)Applied psychology , Masters in Applied psychology, PG. diploma in counselling psychology, Doctorate in Psychology ( Ph. D)

Dr. Shashi Mani Mishra

Life Skills and emotional Intelligence course is such an empowering course that each of us are filled with new energy and boosted self esteem. Each and every session is full of knowledge and experience gained through discussions. The course is highly practical and applied in nature . The pdf noted are very helpful. Faculties are highly qualified in the area of their expertise. Each of them are just a call away to respond to queries.
Sreedhar, captain of the ship is everyone 'favorite. His passion for knowledge is seen in his sessions and loved by all. Eeshwar who is highly liked by all participants makes sure to give every little information related to topic . Manasi, not only guide but a young and enthusiastic team leader who goes beyond her limit to help each of us and guide us to navigate our problems and resolve the issues.
Her tips and feedback are going to help each of us in future. Inspite of being so much on her plate , she makes sure to be there to resolve our problems. She is the true mentor in strickest sense. All other facilitators were experts and very experienced and enthusiastic to share all the information with us. I am very keen to listen to vdos uploaded once again before they are not available.

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